15 a 21
All Day

R. dos Agrimensores, 1461

Cotia, São Paulo Brasil
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"May I clearly perceive all experiences to be as insubstantial as the dream fabric of the night and instantly awaken to perceive the pure wisdom display in the arising of every phenomenon." (Red Tara Sadhana)

Buddha Shakyamuni said that life is a dream, and compared the manifestation of phenomena to the reflection of the moon in a lake and a rainbow in the sky: nothing really exists, although our common perception would have us believe otherwise.

Dream Yoga is a method that helps us to investigate these profound teachings and to experience them in our own lives.

Lama Tsering will begin the annual Dream Yoga retreat (10/15 to 10/21) the day after completion of the Red Tara Drubchöd, under the accumulated blessings and merit. This practice is part of the cycle of "Red Tara - The Wishfulfilling Essence", as revealed by Apong Tertön.

Dissipating the illusions fabricated by the min and eliminating the habits that lead us to suffering requires diligent training, and Dream Yoga is one of the most direct and effective practices of Vajrayana Buddhism to help us with this task.

Red Tara empowerment is a prerequisite for participating in this retreat. If you have not yet received the empowerment, please check our website for the empowerment that will be given on September 7 and October 12.

Full participation in the retreat is recommended to all practitioners, but is mandatory for those who will are receiving these teachings for the first time. For other participants, please check with us about the possibility of partial participation.

It is mandatory to stay at the temple during the retreat participation period. It is not possible to choose the type of accommodation.

Queries can be clarified by emailing [email protected].

May I clearly perceive all experiences

to be as insubstantial

as the dream fabric of the night

and instantly awaken to perceive

the pure wisdom display in the arising of every phenomenon.

(From the Red Tara Sadhana)


To register, please email [email protected]

Full Event WITHOUT ACCOMMODATION: Write to [email protected]



Check in

For the retreat with accommodation: 10/15 from 7 am


Event Categories:
Odsal Ling
11 4703-4099

Upcoming Events

09:00 — 12:00

Workshop - Mudras and sequence of practice with Tsog

Learn how to perform the mudras in the Red Tara practice and the tsog sequence of this practice. Prerequisite: to have received a Red Tara empowerment.