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Losar and Chötrul Düchen

On Tuesday (February 21), we celebrated Losar, the Tibetan New Year. This is the year 2150, the year of the Water Hare.

The day before Losar (Monday, February 20), it is a traditional custom among Tibetans to carry out thorough cleaning of the home, in closets, and in one’s personal practice area.

In addition this is the season of our practice of Vajrakilaya. This practice helps us to remove last year’s obstacles, making clear the way for the new year.

Following losar is the Buddhist holy period of Chötrul Düchen which takes place the first fifteen days of the nee year, and is cellebrated as when Buddha Shakyamuni manifested a miracle each day for fifteen days.

During this very special holy time the effects of our actions, both virtuous and non-virtuous, are multiplied millions of times. During this powerful time of multiplicity, our practice and virtue can expand even more, to bring benefit for ourselves and others.

Get ready

Enjoy this auspicious period in which actions are multiplied thousands of times and include routine virtuous actions in your days. Be generous, practice meditation, and make auspicious wishes for the benefit of all beings.

We will celebrate the Full Moon of Chötrul Düchen, the first full moon of the New Year, which closes this auspicious period.

Please confirm your participation in person until Monday (06), 12pm (UTC-3)


Saving Lives is a practice in which we rescue animals that would be used for sacrifice, slaughter, or any other activity that would take their lives, and release them into their natural environment. The ceremonies include the recitation of prayers and mantras, and conclude with dedications.

As it is considered supreme among longevity practices, it is commonly dedicated to beings who have faced obstacles to their longevity, such as risk of death or serious health problems. It can also be directed to beings whose lives have profound value to you.

We pray that the animals themselves, after escaping suffering, find rebirth in the form of human beings with a spiritual connection.

During Chötrul Düchen, the effects of our actions, both virtuous and non-virtuous, are multiplied millions of times, so as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo states in the sadhana Increasing Life and Vitality: A Practice for Freeing Lives, this is an excellent time to generate virtue by saving lives, and to generate interdependence for a longer life for ourselves and those to whom we dedicate the practice.

Offerings may be made until march 6 at 6pm (UTC-3), as follows:

1. Make a deposit of the value of your offering using one of the accounts below.

2. Send the proof of deposit and your dedication (to be read during the ceremony) via the form - link below.

3. Wait for confirmation of your offering by email.

The ceremony will be broadcast online.

Visit the Protector of Lives BR website by clicking here!

Questions: [email protected]

Dados para o depósito:

Banco BB - Chave PIX (CNPJ) 41.232.131/0001-81
Banco Inter - Chave PIX (email) [email protected]
Pay Pal
[email protected]



  • Oferendas NÃO serão aceitas por e-mail, por favor, somente pelo formulário dinâmico Google;
  • Favor nomear o arquivo do comprovante bancário IGUAL ao e-mail, não usar nome de refúgio, apelidos pois isso dificulta nossa identificação do depósito;
  • Favor respeitar o horário limite para as oferendas, após o horário a oferenda automaticamente será considerada para o próximo salvamento.



Event Category:
Odsal Ling
11 4703-4099

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Sunday at the Temple

On Sundays you can participate in the practice of Concise Tara and attend the teaching with Lama Tsering. Check the schedule before coming to the Temple.