On January 6, Chagdud Khadro will grant the empowerments of Guru Rinpoche and Vajrasattva.
The empowerments are open to all those who wish to receive the empowerment for the first time or renew their vows.
It will be possible to choose between receiving only one empowerment or both.
Those registered for the Vajrasattva and Guru Rinpoche empowerments should arrive at the Temple at 8:30 am.
The Vajrasattva empowerment is scheduled to begin between 9am and 9.30am (time to be confirmed).
Those registered for Guru Rinpoche empowerment only should arrive at the Temple at 1pm.
This empowerment is scheduled to begin between 2pm and 2:30pm (time to be confirmed).
There is no meals or accommodation for those attending the empowerment only.
What is an empowerment?
An empowerment is a ceremony in which the master authorizes the student to engage in vajrayana meditation, passing on the blessings of the lineage of a particular practice.
It is said that receiving empowerment from a realized lama - and renewing this commitment by receiving empowerment many times - plants the seeds for enlightenment in our minds, creating the causes for us to reveal our true nature.
Read the information below carefully to take part
This event is in person only and will not be broadcast.
The Vajrasattva empowerment is scheduled to begin between 9am and 9.30am (tbc).
Guru Rinpoche empowerment is scheduled to begin between 2pm and 2:30pm (tbc).
Those registered for the Vajrasattva and Guru Rinpoche empowerments should arrive at the Temple at 8.30am.
The Vajrasattva empowerment is scheduled to begin between 9am and 9.30am (tbc).
Those registered for Guru Rinpoche empowerment only should arrive at the Temple at 1pm.
This empowerment is scheduled to begin between 2pm and 2.30pm (tbc).
The offering fee for each empowerment is R$95.
You can do this by registering.
Faça sua inscrição para participar. A oferenda é R$85.
Se tiver dúvidas, entre em contato com [email protected]
Inscrições fecham dia 11/08 às 20hs
There is no accommodation or lunch reservation at the Temple for those taking part in only one or both empowerments.
The Temple has a food truck serving pizza slices, quiche, cheese bread, sweets, coffee, cold drinks and popsicles. There are vegan options.
- Este evento é somente presencial e não será transmitido.
- Haverá tradução consecutiva do inglês para o português.
• Água
• Roupa confortável
• Almofada - caso tenha uma de sua preferência
• Não é permitido fumar nas áreas internas ou externas do Templo
• Não deite no ambiente de prática e ensinamento
• É tradicional, na presença de Rinpoches e Lamas, esperarmos em pé até que eles se sentem. Em seguida fazemos três prostrações, em sinal de respeito.
• Não aponte os pés para estátuas, lamas e objetos sagrados
• Não passe por cima de textos sagrados, objetos de prática, nem bancadas
• Não coloque os textos diretamente no chão
• Os textos sagrados são emprestados para uso somente durante as práticas de meditação e não devem ser levados para casa, nem copiados sem a autorização do templo.
• Ao encontrar algum objeto que não lhe pertence, por favor entregue-o para algum dos nossos voluntários presentes no local.
(Após 90 (noventa) dias, os objetos sem dono serão doados)
Our parking lot has limited spaces. We suggest that participants share the same vehicle.
Reservations are made when you register for the empowerment. We will confirm your reservation by e-mail.