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Odsal Ling Reserve Fund

Dear sangha, during this auspicious time of Saga Dawa, when everything is greatly multiplied, we have undertaken a campaign to raise funds for the long term support of the Odsal Ling temple and facilities. So far, the amount of US$ 13,500 has been offered by pure hearted sponsors. We all rejoice in the magnanimity of this offering.

We are also very happy to let you know that, in addition to the increase in the multiplying factor of Saga Dawa, a sponsor has made a commitment to offer a matching amount for the total amount donated during the entire fundraising campaign. This means that for every real you donate two will be offered.

Chagdud Rinpoche said that offerings are like drops added to an ocean, everyone shares in the whole ocean of merit. If you have been able to make your contribution we rejoice. If not, we hope you will take advantage of this precious opportunity to support the conditions for the sacred Dharma teachings to flourish on into the future.


If you wish to take part in this project, please contact Marisa via email: [email protected]

During this holy month of Saga Dawa we all make extra efforts to engage in Dharma practice and virtuous acts since all merit is greatly multiplied. It is an especially auspicious time to practice generosity and make offerings with pure motivation. With this great benefit in mind, Lama Tsering and Odsal Ling are pleased to announce the creation of a Long Term Reserve Fund in order to support the Odsal Ling Temple and infrastructure on into the future.

As many of you know, over the course of the last twenty one years, the Dharma activities at Odsal Ling have increased and flourished. To meet the needs of both beginning and advanced students we have constructed the temple and many associated facilities such as the pavilion and student lodging. The successful completion of each of these projects required the tireless efforts of Lama Tsering, Lama Norbu, dedicated volunteers, skilled craftsmen and artists as well as financial support from a broad group of generous sponsors.

While we rejoice with the completion of each and every project, the resources required to maintain these inspirational facilities continue to grow and the likelihood of a required major repair is also increasing. With the subtle effects of impermanence, the colors on the temple fade little by little each day, and as we experience our own impermanence, we know how important it is to provide the future support of the temple for the next generation of practitioners.

For this purpose the Odsal Ling Reserve Fund is being launched. Offerings made to this fund will be dedicated and put in a special account to be used for major maintenance, improvement, or replacement of buildings, infrastructure, or artwork at Odsal Ling. In this way, we will ensure that Odsal Ling as a whole is protected well into the future. The expenses associated with the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the Temple itself will continue to be supported by monthly membership offerings, events and store sales.

With the merit of our actions being multiplied during this sacred period, Chagdud Gonpa – Odsal Ling would like to joyfully extend an annual opportunity for our community to make offerings of any size to the Reserve Fund for the long term support of Odsal Ling.

May all beings benefit!

If you wish to take part in this project, please contact Marisa via email: [email protected]

Please email Marisa at [email protected] and she will be happy to help you!

If you can make your offering during Saga Dawa, that's ideal. But you can contribute whenever you are able, and your offering is always welcome.

Yes, you can make your contribution at any time.

There is no set amount. Whatever you can offer will be of great help for the maintenance of the Temple. No offering is too small.


Event Category:
Odsal Ling
11 4703-4099

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09:00 — 12:00

Workshop - Mudras and sequence of practice with Tsog

Learn how to perform the mudras in the Red Tara practice and the tsog sequence of this practice. Prerequisite: to have received a Red Tara empowerment.