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End of Year Retreat
From December 26 to January 1, practitioners will have the opportunity to deepen their personal practice during a retreat for accumulations, as well as small daily teachings sessions given by Lama Tsering.
Bodhisattva Action Retreat
Over the course of four Saturdays, Lama Tsering will conduct the Bodhisattva Action – peace training retreat via the Odsal Ling Online Campus platform. Suitable for Buddhists and non-Buddhists.
Red Tara Drubchod with 100,000 Tsogs
In order to keep the precious lineage that Chagdud Rinpoche left us alive, it is with great joy that we are inviting all of you who have the Tara empowerment to take part in the online Red Tara Drubchod with 100,000 Tsogs.
Red Tara Drubchod with 100,000 Tsogs
In order to keep the precious lineage that Chagdud Rinpoche left us alive, it is with great joy that we will be performing an online Red Tara Drubchöd with 100,000 Tsogs. Registration open!
Red Tara Drubchod with 100,000 Tsogs
In order to keep the precious lineage that Chagdud Rinpoche left us alive, it is with great joy that we will be performing a Red Tara Drubchö with 100,000 Tsogs. Registration open until October 7th!
Phowa Retreat with Chagdud Khadro
Phowa is a Buddhist method through which one can acquire the ability to consciously direct one’s next rebirth.
New registrations open until Thursday (2/16).
Red Tara Drubchöd with 100,000 Tsogs – Planned Schedule
In order to keep the precious lineage that Chagdud Rinpoche left us alive, it is with great joy that we will be performing a Red Tara Drubchöd with 100,000 Tsogs. More details about the event will be released later.
Red Tara Drubchö with an offering of 100,000 Tsogs
In order to keep the precious lineage that Chagdud Rinpoche left us alive, it is with great joy that we will be performing a Red Tara Drubchö with an offering of 100,000 Tsogs. Registration in open!
Retiro de prática de Djetsun
A prece de Djetsun feita na prática de Tara concisa é um dos maiores presentes que Chagdud Rinpoche nos deu. Este retiro é uma excelente ocasião para ampliar o poder da prática feita coletivamente e evocarmos juntos as imensas bênçãos de Tara.
Retiro de prática de Djetsun
A prece de Djetsun feita na prática de Tara concisa é um dos maiores presentes que Chagdud Rinpoche nos deu. Este retiro é uma excelente ocasião para ampliar o poder da prática feita coletivamente e evocarmos juntos as imensas bênçãos de Tara.