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Personal practice day
Take advantage of the May 1st holiday to dedicate a whole day to Dharma practice. This activity is aimed at everyone who attends Odsal Ling and already does one of our practices.
Saga Dawa
Saga Dawa is one of the four most sacred periods in the Tibetan Buddhist calendar, marking the birth, enlightenment and parinirvana of Shakiamuni Buddha and, in 2024, takes place from 8 May to 6 June, with its culmination on the full moon of 23 May.
Retiro de prática de Djetsun
A prece de Djetsun feita na prática de Tara concisa é um dos maiores presentes que Chagdud Rinpoche nos deu. Este retiro é uma excelente ocasião para ampliar o poder da prática feita coletivamente e evocarmos juntos as imensas bênçãos de Tara.
Retiro de prática de Djetsun
A prece de Djetsun feita na prática de Tara concisa é um dos maiores presentes que Chagdud Rinpoche nos deu. Este retiro é uma excelente ocasião para ampliar o poder da prática feita coletivamente e evocarmos juntos as imensas bênçãos de Tara.
Bodhisattva Peace Training – helping the helpers
Lama Tsering will lead this four-day meeting. Recommended for Buddhists and non-Buddhists.
Red Tara Retreat – Module 2: Introducing empowerment into our practice
On yet another occasion, Lama Tsering will guide us through the various stages of this fortunate path towards compassion and wisdom.
Chökor Düchen
On July 9, we celebrate Chökor Düchen, one of the four most sacred periods in the life of Buddha Shakiamuni, as it marks the First Turning of the Dharma Wheel.
Ask Lama Tsering
In this meeting with Lama Tsering you will be able to clarify doubts about his practice and teachings and, through the words of our teacher, deepen your contact with the Dharma.
Lama Tsering in Recife and Nova Friburgo
Lama Tsering will be in Recife (PE) from July 20 to 21 and in Nova Friburgo (RJ) from August 2 to 4.
Lama Tsering in USA
Between August 9 and September 2, Lama Tsering will give teachings in USA. Learn more about the program and how to participate!