29 a 02
14:00 — 18:00

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The Red Tara Practice of Crystal Healing

Lama Tsering will give teachings online on the practice of Red Tara Crystal Healing.

On the 29th and 30th, Lama Tsering will go deeper into the practice of Red Tara for practitioners with empowerment, focusing on the practice of Crystal Healing.

Prerequisite: to have received Red Tara empowerment.

To do the practice, you will need a transparent crystal (more instructions will be given during the retreat).

The suggested financial contribution to participate is 183 brazilian reals, but you may offer the amount you are able, no offering is too small.

What is the practice of crystal healing?

This practice is a treasure from the mind of Chagdud Rinpoche, arising directly from his dreams and visions. With pure motivation and compassion, this method can be developed to bring healing and relief for oneself and for others.

The fundamental nature of each and every one of us is pure awareness.
But just as a crystal can be covered by mud, our absolute wisdom is covered by our ordinary thoughts and emotions. We need to learn to remove our obscurations and to penetrate through to the essence of our being so that the energy which we transmit is pure.

Crystals are powerful healing tools. However, one’s ability as a crystal healer is totally dependent upon this ability to purify one’s own mind. If the mind is muddied, the healing will be muddied. If the mind is pure, the healing will be pure.

Crystals have been recognized and used in ancient traditions as a repository of absolute wisdom energy - an abiding place capable of holding the essence of enlightened energy. If used correctly, they are a powerful instrument for healing.

The retreat took place live on December 29 and 30, but inscriptions for the recorded teachings go until January 2.

The teachings will be available to those registered until January 6.

Inscreva-se aqui!

29th and 30th December

2pm to 6pm: daily teaching session

The retreat will be broadcast on the Odsal Ling On-line Campus Platform.

The teachings can be viewed live or as a recording. The recordings will be available until the 6th of January.

The teachings will be given in English and simultaneously translated into Portuguese, Spanish and French.



29/12/2020 - 14:00
02/01/2021 - 18:00
Event Categories:
Odsal Ling
11 4703-4099

Upcoming Events

09:00 — 12:00

Workshop - Mudras and sequence of practice with Tsog

Learn how to perform the mudras in the Red Tara practice and the tsog sequence of this practice. Prerequisite: to have received a Red Tara empowerment.