Cycle of teachings: The Words of My Perfect Teacher, with Lama Tsering
On 3/13/21, Lama Tsering started a cycle of teachings based on the book "The Words of My Perfect Teacher" by Patrul Rinpoche, which takes place every Saturday from 2:30 pm to around 5 pm.
This book is a classic commentary on the preliminary practices, or Ngöndro, of the Longchen Nyingthig.
Although at Chagdud Gonpa we practice the Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro, this text is recommended for everyone, as it is considered a supreme guide to all preliminary practices - profound, full of life, and detailed.
You must have received a vajrayana empowerment to take part.
Important: Registration for the teachings will close on Fridays at noon, and reopen on Mondays at noon.
To find out more details and to register, please see the box below:
The teachings will take place in monthly cycles on Saturdays, extending for an indefinite period from 2:30 pm until approximately 5:00 pm.
You will need to register agan for each new cycle.
The recorded teachings are available until one week after the end of the monthly cycle.
The teachings will be broadcast on the Odsal Ling Online Campus Platform. You can watch them live or the recordings.
How long can I watch the recordings?
As this is a monthly cycle event, the recording of the teachings will be available during the current month, and also during the first week of the following month, when a new cycle will begin.
The teachings will be given in English and simultaneously translated into Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and French.
Once you have registered, you can attend the teachings in person.
It will not be possible to register in person, it must be done online, remembering that registration closes on Fridays at noon and reopens on Mondays at noon.
The teaching does not have translation, since it is done through Zoom's simultaneous translation tool.
→ Be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
→ Use any of the masks below at all times:
• 3-layer surgical mask (do not exceed 6 hours of use)
• PFF2/N95 mask
→ Mantain social distancing
→ Sit in the indicated places
→ Comply with the arrival (from 7:30 am) and departure (by 12:40 pm) times
→ Do not circulate in restricted areas
R$220 per month or R$62 per day of teaching.
If you cannot make the suggested offering, any contribution is valid, our desire is that you take part, and no offering is too small.
Registration will be open indefinitely. However, it will be paused between Friday at 12pm and Monday at 12pm.
Because this is a monthly cycle event, your registration to participate needs to be redone at the beginning of each month.
You must register online to participate online or in person.
It is necessary to have received a Vajrayana empowerment to attend the teachings.
Can I attend teachings that took place before I registered?
As this event runs in monthly cycles, when you register you will be able to attend all the teachings for that month. You will not be able to attend teachings from previous months.
Can I make a different offering from the suggested one?
Yes, the suggestion is for you to have an idea of the value of the offering, but you can offer more or less according to your financial conditions at the moment.
I can't make an offering. Can I take part?
Of course! Lama Tsering understands that many people are going through financial difficulties at the moment and the teachings should be available to everyone. So if you cannot make an offering now, please enter zero in the offering field.
Do I already need to be doing the Ngöndro to take part?
No, it is not necessary. The teachings are for everyone, including beginners.
Do I need to have an empowerment to take part?
Yes. After a certain point in Patrul Rinpoche's text, it is necessary to have a Vajrayana empowerment.
How long will the teachings be available?
The teachings are available until the end of the month in which they were transmitted plus the first week of the following month. The teachings for this month of March are therefore available until April 6.
Do I have to make an offering every time I attend? Or is one offering valid for all the days?
For this event, registration is done on a monthly basis. So, for example, if you make an offering for the month of March, you will have access to all the teachings of that month. At the beginning of April, when you register and make your offering again, you will have access to all of April's teachings, and so on until the end of the cycles.
Where can I acquire the text that the Lama is using?
You can purchase it in Portuguese at the Mandala Shop ( ).
I couldn't watch the teaching today and now the link is no longer up. When will I be able to watch it?
After the live teaching the link becomes unavailable. Our team of volunteers will provide a new link on the Odsal Ling Campus Platform within 48 hours (if there are no technical problems) - you will find it in the same place where the link to the live teaching would have been.