Transforming the Poisons of the Mind – Vol. 2 | Desire
Vol.2 | Desire
Transforming the Poisons of the Mind
Lama Tsering Everest
In the world we live in, desire is often considered a positive thing, such as the search for success and fame, or the need to be alongside the people we like. However, we don’t realize that our attachments lead directly to anguish and suffering, as we do not always get what we want, and even if we do, we cannot maintain it. For this reason, Buddhist teachings emphasize the importance of having a deep understanding of the impermanent nature of all phenomena. Preparing the mind in this manner, we become free to deal with the relationships and phenomena of life appropriately.
“Transforming the Poisons of the Mind” are teachings that formed part of the “Lotus Petals” cycle delivered during the months of October and November 2003 at Chagdud Gonpa Odsal Ling in São Paulo.
Valor sugerido: R$ 35
You may offer a higher amount if you wish. All proceeds received will be used in the activities of Chagdud Gonpa Odsal Ling.
Format: .mp3
CD 01
- Introductory comments
- Translation
- Practicing Illusion
- Translation
- The Dream Experience and the Criteria of Truth
- Translation
- Desire and Belief in the “I”
- Translation
CD 02
- Transforming Desire
- Translation
- Dedication of Merit
- Translation