Meeting with Lama Tsering in São Paulo
We are very happy to announce two teachings with Lama Tsering in São Paulo!
The meetings will take place on Thursdays (22 and 29/09) at 7pm (gmt-3). There, the sangha will have the opportunity to be closer to Lama Tsering, having the possibility to ask questions about the Buddhist path.
If you have friends who are interested in Buddhism, this is an excellent opportunity for a first contact!
The teaching is open to all.
Parking fee R$ 15,00.
More information in the box below.
The teachings will take place on Thursdays at 7pm.
Regular programme
Thursdays (22 and 29/9): 19h
there will be no broadcast of the teaching.
The teachings will be given in English and translated consecutively into Portuguese.
The suggested offering is R$70, but you can offer any amount. No offering is too small!
On site.